A héten indul a bérletárusítás
Szurkolóinknak idén is lesz lehetősége elővételben megváltani a szezonbérleteket.


Ice hall

Address of the Ice Hall: 8000, Székesfehérvár, Raktár u. 1.
GPS coordinates of the Ice Hall: N47,18714°, E18,44339°
Telephone number of the Ice Hall: 06/22/312-035
Fax number of the Ice Hall: 06/22/398-027
Capacity of the Ice Hall: 3500 spectators
Price of a ticket in the Guest Sector*: 10 EUR

The ice hall of Székesfehérvár was constructed in 1991, when the open ice rink was covered with roof. In the following years huge development was made, and with the reconstruction of the year 2002, the ice hall has a capacity of 3500, with seated areas for 1000 spectators, and standing room for 2500 fans. The stands are near the ice, which makes the athmosphere quite unique for the players and the fans as well.

The tidy ice hall offers reconstructed locker rooms for the players, wide range of parking possibilities, comfortable seats, great viewing angles, a gift shop and a heated bar for the fans, a separated, secure Guest Sector for the fans of the visiting team, and wireless Internet connection for the press, so it meets all the basic requirements of a modern arena. It hosted the IIHF Division 1 World Championship in 2002, the IIHF Continental Cup Super Final in 2005, 2006 and in 2007, and was the venue of several international tournaments and exhibition games.

* - Guest Sector: separated stand for the fans of the visiting team, with raised security and comfort level (compared to the home sectors). Has only sitting places.

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A Jégcsarnok beosztása letölthető


2015. augusztus 23.
Felkészülési mérkÅ‘zés 
Straubing Tigers
Fehérvár AV19
4 0

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(c)2002-2013 Alba Volán SC Jégkorong-szakosztály